I have sent off my first piece of mail for the challenge I am taking on of sending 52 pieces of handwritten mail in 52 weeks. I spent time last night making the envelope look nice. It was fun to do but I doubt I will do the same on all 52 pieces of mail!
As you can tell by the back of the envelope, this piece of mail is a birthday card. I'm not going to say who it is going to because I don't want them to read this and know it is coming their way! I enjoyed drawing all of the designs on it. I have been really into doodling and colouring in my junk mail journal these days and so did that on the envelope. It is very therapeutic. You should try it. Go on. Get out your crayons and go for it. You'll feel like a little kid again. Trust me!
Now, who should I write to next week? Stay tuned....it might be you!
That sounds like a fun challenge! :)
Posted by: Nic | February 09, 2011 at 08:10 PM
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I think it will be. I am just hoping I can keep it up all year. Last year I
tried to do a picture every day for 365 days and that was TOO MUCH!!!! One piece
of mail a week seems like it should be doable. My fingers are crossed!
Posted by: Olwyn Hughes | February 09, 2011 at 08:43 PM