Okay, I am officially in love. I have just discovered a new Aussie site called Table Tonic. She has wonderful design and decorating ideas. AND she is from Australia. How can it possibly get better than that?
I get regular emails from Apartment Therapy and they are doing the 2011 Homies Awards. Table Tonic is one of the sites. If you don't know Apartment Therapy, check it out. No really, check it out. Go ahead. Do it now. I'll wait for you. Trust me it will be worth it. Especially the daily house tours. I love, love, love seeing how other people live. I fill my junk mail journal with ideas about how I will decorate my forever house one day. Apartment Therapy is one of my favourite places to get ideas.
Anywho, long story short, Louise (the lady who does Table Tonic) has a post about Shopbop. She is offering a free giveaway of $100 to spend at Shopbop. Wouldn't it be great to win?
I checked it out and, OMG, I am in shoe heaven! They have great other stuff, too - clothing, bags, accessories etc. Plus, their products range in price from the regular person (i.e. me) to the independently wealthy (i.e NOT me!) I know that I will spend hours looking around at the site but the shoes, oh, the shoes...I covet the shoes.
I am a self professed shoe freak. I wish I had the kind of disposable income that would let me buy all the ones that I love AND a closet big enough to store them all. Maybe one day. I mean, stranger things have happened, right? Check these out:
This granny boot is amazing. I can see it with so many outfits.
And these make me wish I could handle 3 inch heels. Unfortunately, much as I love heels, 2 inches is my max. They are called Pour La Victoire. Great name.
And these sandals are equally yummy. But again with heels too high for me. Sigh...
I just bought a pair kind of like these except with leather ties that go up your lower leg. Very delicious. Biggest difference? Mine were on sale for $12 and these are $133. Still, if I had that kind of money...OR if I win the $100...I could totally get a pair of shoes from Shopbop. My fingers are crossed!
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