I went to the One of A Kind show today and took a class on making fabric flowers. Here is the one I made:
It is done using linen and beads. Very simple and easy to make. But finicky. Not sure if I will do more or not.
I went from booth to booth and didn't find anything that really, really got me going. I was looking for inspiration or for the thing that I JUST had to have. I didn't find it but am not really sure that it had anything to do with the products. I am just not in the right frame of mind this year. Normally, any craft show gets my creative juices flowing but this year they are flowing like molasses.
There were three artists who made me look twice. They all work in very different mediums but all had something that spoke to me - even if only in a whisper...
The first is a potter working in porcelain. Her work is exquisite. I would have bought one of her pieces if I had an income that allowed for random buying for myself. Unfortunately, I don't have that income. However, if I were a potter, I would have been inspired by this artist. Check her stuff out here. She doesn't have anything for sale at the moment (it is all here at the craft show!) but she is worth checking back to and seeing.
Another really cool booth was a group of women from Invermere who run this studio. One of the women, named Cajsa Fredin, is a metal artist and does the most amazing metal flowers and birds. I covet her metal work! But, again, do not have the income to justify buying random pieces of metal art for myself. One day, I will travel their way and buy something. Maybe next summer needs to involve a road trip?!?!
And the third artist that really interested me is a jeweler who does really neat work with wire. She hails from Whistler and makes her jewelery by crocheting sterling silver and gold. Her name is Tess Klein and she does some pretty neat stuff. The other thing that really caught me (even more than the jewelery if truth be told) were the sculptures she had her pieces hanging on. She told me that her sister makes them. They were like bronze casts of necks and faces. Very cool. My hubby would have really liked them. Maybe one day...
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